19 of the Best Signs — March for Science Los Angeles, April 22nd
Science is at the fundamental level of any innovation in healthcare. Without advancements in research, and without peer review acceptance of those advancements, disease cures would not be discovered, medical breakthroughs would not occur, and lives would hang in the balance. As one March for Science protester’s sign declared ‘Ever heard of polio? Thank science.’
Science is the cornerstone of research, innovation and progress in healthcare.
We are fortunate to have 2 of the nation’s top 20 hospital systems operate within this geographic area: Cedars Sinai Medical Center and University of California (UCLA) Medical Center. A third, Keck Medical Center of University of Southern California (USC) is nationally ranked as well. Top funders of these 2 complex medical systems are government organizations — both the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF), with each contributing millions and millions of dollars.
It is imperative that federal funding continue for the advancement of medical research, and today, many in the Los Angeles science community voiced their agreement — and loud!
As Congressman Brad Sherman says, “We tried to live without science once. We called it The Dark Ages.”
We tried to live without science once. We called it The Dark Ages. #MarchForScience #MarchForScienceLA
— Rep. Brad Sherman (@BradSherman) April 22, 2017